lundi 8 décembre 2008

I bite America & America bites me, (1995) Oleg Kulik

Oleg Kulik (Russian, 1963)
a love letter to Oleg Kulik

"... my dear sweet Oleg, that you are not an animal, you are not man's best friend, you are -- quite simply -- a man. An intellectual. Americans are notoriously anti-intellectual. I don't share their antipathy. I know just how serious you are and so I can love you all the more. But I don't know how to tell you -- I'm not much good at barking. I've decided, therefore, that I am going to allow this letter to be published. I wonder, will it be "hailed" by you? Or will it float around in cyberspace forever missing it's mark. It's a dog's life. Truly.
Love for eternity, Susan Silas
